Sunday, April 28, 2013

PA Spring Turkey opening day

Opening Day of Spring turkey has come and gone, and I am writing this post without pictures to attach.  Is that due to the lack of a camera in the field, from my inexperience as a turkey hunter, or is it my guide’s fault (he’s not really a guide, just a hunting buddy I enjoy picking on)?  Whatever the case might be I did get to see some Toms put on a great show that morning and feel that I got to earn some stripes sitting 7 hours motionless holding up a massive tree.  BUT! The spring season isn’t over yet and I plan on going out again in the next few days, so hopefully the next installment to this blog will be merely a picture of me with my 45# (inside joke) Tom.  If any of you guys have pictures or stories you would like to share please post them in the comments section or you can email them to me at   and I will post them for you.

1 comment:

  1. ah, the elusive 45 pound "sasquatchian" turkey named Glen. DOES he even exist? can he be found? I hope you find him!! Good luck if you go out tomorrow!
