Monday, August 26, 2013

2013-2014 Waterfowl Seasons released

The 2013-2014 waterfowl seasons have been announced recently and they are a bit different than most people expected.  I am including a link to the brochure(  so my loyal readers ( both of you) can have easy access to these dates and plan accordingly.

From the information I have read biologists are citing a slight decrease in  populations as the reason of  pushing back the early season opening day.  This works for me...the 19th is my birthday and I can't think of a better way to spend the early hours of the morning!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Sunset float tubing

Time away

The summer is in full swing, and flying by.  I know in my part of the country it has been a mild and wet summer to this point but maybe I shouldn't speak too soon, August is now here and this pattern could change.  Cookouts, family vacations, and yard work fill our dance cards week after week, day after day, and hour after hour.  As I stated previously I'm a full time student, husband, and also work fulltime, so fishing time is definitely restricted and I get my " fix" an occasional few times a month anywhere where water puddles and frogs croak.  Committing maps to memory, surfing the forums, and retailer websites help me cut through the chaos and find some peace.  I won't wish the days away because every moment with my son is precious... But bring on duck season already!!!